Letter of offer form

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 1. I/We understand that enrollment is not confirmed until the commitment fee is received by Pearl Montessori.

    2. I/We understand that we are required to give six weeks’ notice to the Director in writing before the withdrawal of my child or one full month’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice. Such notice will not be accepted in the last term of the year i.e. 10 weeks before the Christmas break. 

    3. I/We understand that if we withdraw my child from the centre prior to my child's start date at Pearl or within my child's first 6 months of attendance - our commitment fee is non-refundable. 

    4. I/We understand that this payment is only refundable, when my child leaves the centre and all of the following 3 conditions are met:

    a) my child has attended from start date agreed on in the Letter of Offer for more than 6 months as per point 3 above

    b) all fees are paid up to date

    c) a full 6 weeks’ notice has been given as per point 2 above.

    Direct Deposit

    Please Deposit $1500 to confirm your enrollment:

    Etz Chaim Ltd
    BSB: 082-356 Acc: 935256650

    Please send a receipt of payment to: accounts@pearlmontessori.com.au AND ad@pearlmontessori.com.au once the deposit is paid.

  • Declaration:

    I/We the undersigned accept the offer for my/our child to attend Pearl Montessori

    I/We jointly and severally accept responsibility for the payment of all fees.

  • Entering your name signifies agreement with all facets of this form
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Entering your name signifies agreement with all facets of this form
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.

    Maria Montessori

    We look forward to starting your Pearl Montessori journey with you.

    Natalie, Linda and the Pearl Team

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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